ACMS Volunteer OpportunitiesACMS is led by a volunteer board of directors who are member physicians. They provide strategic direction for ACMS and input into the tactical activities and projects. But the ground-level work for many activities takes place through the executive director and a half-time staff member with significant help and counsel from various committees and work groups. There are multiple places in which members can get involved, grow in leadership skills along the way, and build a strong network with other members. Opportunities are also available for spouses or other medical community volunteers. ACMS Volunteer Inquiry and Application FormUse this form to apply for any of the volunteer opportunities listed here Board of DirectorsThe basic functions of the Board of Directors are to provide governance for member services and corporate activities, representation of ACMS on behalf of the membership, fiduciary responsibility for the stewardship of its assets, and supervision of the executive director. Find out more about board service here. Standing CommitteesFinance CommitteeThis committee supports the board’s fiduciary responsibilities by assisting with the development of the annual budget, aligning financial objectives with the strategic plan, reviewing internal financial statements, policies, procedures, and returns, assessing organizational risks, and providing analysis to the board regarding the financial implications of pertinent issues. Charter Membership Engagement CommitteeThis committee assists the board by identifying, recommending, and implementing strategies to attract and retain members and increase membership engagement. Charter Physician Vitality Program CommitteeThe PVP committee functions on behalf of the board to provide programmatic support, development, and policy oversight to the mental health benefit program. It also helps vet potential new mental health providers who wish to be a contractor for the program. Charter Winter ClinicsThis committee works to plan the annual Winter CME event in McCall, selecting topics and speakers based on attendee feedback. It meets 3-4 times a year with most of the work occurring between spring and fall. Regular attendees of Winter Clinics are welcome to apply for this role, although currently, the committee is full. Charter Physician Vitality Program Volunteer Medical DirectorThe Medical Director will be an ACMS member psychiatrist or healthcare community-based psychologist who will provide professional oversight of the Physician Vitality Program and assist the executive director and PVP Committee with program policies and procedures to meet the community standard of care. Spring 2024 Open Position Description Online Engagement RolesWebsite Editors/Content CuratorsACMS maintains two websites that could use volunteer writers and content editors.
Social Media ManagerAlthough we have previously attempted to use social media to connect with members and the public, this requires much more intentionality and regular posts. Plus, we've found that a lot of members exited social media platforms during the pandemic. If our members just aren’t there in numbers, it doesn't make much sense to spend a lot of staff effort on it. However, we also recognize that platforms like Instagram or others could hold more potential promise for membership engagement with younger members, depending on content created or curated. For the right volunteer, we might entertain putting more effort here. Videoconference Call HostsSome members are well-equipped to host more or less regular calls with particular constituencies: perhaps independent medical practice members might like to talk with each other routinely about challenges and solutions. Maybe it's time to have a "Specialist on Call Hour" to field questions without having to prepare a presentation. Perhaps you'd like to start a discussion, support, or interest group. Let's explore these ideas together. Events PlanningWhile the two staff members of ACMS plan and execute events, there are usually opportunities to assist such as set-up and tear-down, check-in and greeting, and A/V assists. Plus, for people who enjoy “party planning,” we can always use creative input during our visioneering stages of event planning. To inquire or apply for any of the roles above, fill out this form.
ACMS Volunteer Inquiry and Application Form
If you don't see something here that floats your boat, let's talk. Different members have started their own initiatives such as the M&Ms Group (Mindfulness and Meditation). In fact, ACMS is willing to help kick-start and sponsor affinity groups. Learn more here.