Local Continuing Medical Education


Hosted by SW Idaho Area Health Education Center (AHEC) via Zoom

SW Idaho AHEC’s CME program, SW Idaho Medical Education (SWIDME) offers CME opportunities directly and through community partnerships. Check HERE for current and future offerings, including a new grand round series that will run from September 2024 - May 2025. 

SWIDME also offers memberships, tailor-made for physicians who are dedicated to advancing their medical expertise and remaining at the forefront of their profession. Whether you seek to enhance patient care, pursue career development, or fulfill continuing medical education requirements, this membership offers a tailored platform for physicians to thrive in their medical journey and achieve excellence in you practice.

Membership Pricing (Annual) 

  • Individual Providers: $100
  • Organizational: $75/Provider
  • Discounted Organizational for Core Safety Net Providers: $50/Provider

Joining SWIDME is easy! Visit their membership sign-up page and follow the straightforward registration process. 


SW Idaho AHEC Jointly Accredited Grand Rounds

Second Wednesday of each month (beginning September 11, 2024-May 14, 2025), 12:30-1:30 PM 
Information on how to register is coming soon. Visit https://swidahec.cloud-cme.com/ for updates. 

St. Luke's Children's Grand Rounds via MS Teams

Third Wednesdays, 8-9 AM
Contact Karla Dickson to get on the distribution list and to RSVP

Boise VA Medical Center AW Horsley Learning Center

Thursdays, 8-9 AM

Boise VAMC holds Grand Rounds is open to non-VA physicians, including retirees. Grand Rounds are held in the Learning Resource Center (see map.) Parking is available in the spots indicated. 

You may attend live (face coverings are required by the facility) or Email ACMS for Video Streaming information.

For more information, contact chief resident Dr. Matthew Wolter To claim credit as a non-VAMC employee, follow these directions.

Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center via MS Teams

Second Tuesdays, 12-1 PM of the month 12-1 PM. Contact Madaline Helmsin to be placed on their email distribution list.

Project Echo - Idaho via Zoom

Multiple weekly tracks for all clinicians - check out their calendar

Project Echo - Utah via Zoom

Multiple weekly tracks for all clinicians - check out their calendar

University of Washington Medicine

Online continuing medical education courses - fee-based

All Patients Safe

A Free Self-Guided, Interactive CME Training on Intervening with and Resourcing Suicidal Patients from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare

Required MATE Act Training (Treatment and Management of Patients with Opioid or Other Substance Use Disorders).

Have you received a letter from the DEA stating you need to complete 8 hours of training on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders?  The deadline for satisfying this new training requirement is the date of your next scheduled DEA registration submission on or after June 27, 2023. News Piece. Here's a document with options and below is also a list of places ACMS is aware of where you can pick up this training. 


About the New Law

The Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment (MAT) Act updates federal rules to address the public health crisis driven by the opioid epidemic and empowers all health care providers with a standard controlled medication license to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid use disorder, just as they prescribe other essential medications.

The Medication Access and Training Expansion (MATE) Act standardizes substance use disorder training to ensure that all prescribers of addictive medications possess baseline knowledge in evidence-based addiction prevention and treatments.

1) The new training requirement under the MATE Act is only for prescribers with a DEA license that allows them to prescribe controlled substances under schedules II, III, IV, or V.

2) This new requirement begins June 21, 2023. This will be for all new applications and first renewal cycle after this date.

It is a one-time Substance Use Disorder (SUD) education requirement for DEA prescribers. Under Section 1263 of the CAA 2023, the one-time SUD education requirement becomes a condition on a controlled medication prescriber's DEA registration beginning with the first applicable registration. The "first applicable registration" is defined as the first DEA registration or renewal of the DEA registration by a controlled medication prescriber that occurs on or after the date that is 180 days after the law’s enactment.

3) This does not affect any license renewals between now and June 21, 2023.

4) Additionally, the MAT Act has eliminated the X-Waiver program. This was effective immediately in December 2022.

5) There is no new training requirement for prescribers who do not have a DEA number.

Look at the medical community calendar for more listings and details of upcoming presentations as we receive them.

Submit a Medical Community Event to be Listed on the Calendar

Do you need to Track Your CME certificates somewhere? Check out our online tool you can use for free as an ACMS Member.