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Same Place, Different Viewpoint

Same Place, Different Viewpoint

by Steven Reames


I recently met with a physician leader for coffee on the top floor of the new St. Luke’s parking garage downtown. Admittedly, it was an unusual place to confer, but I had two really good reasons:

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Physician Professional Fulfillment

Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment

which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words.

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Micro-Affirmations have Macro-Implications

Micro-Affirmations have Macro-Implications

by Steven Reames, ACMS Director

Most of us have heard about microaggressions in the workplace, a term for brief and commonplace daily, verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities. They communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative prejudicial slights and insults toward any group. The "micro" refers not to the insignificance of these exchanges, but rather to their being so commonplace that they hardly draw any attention. Even though a comment may not be intended to offend or cause harm, it does not change its effect on the receiving party.[i]

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Disruptive, Abrasive, Skeptical, or Human?

By Steven Reames, Executive Director, Ada County Medical Society

When I heard the term “disruptive physician” for the first time, I imagined it was something akin to a kid in a classroom who had lost their self-control, was throwing a temper tantrum, and who caused other students, teachers, or staff to feel unsafe. Those pictures certainly fit the worst-case scenarios of physicians whose emotional intelligence and self-regulation have taken a leave of absence: surgeons who throw scalpels at interns or nurses, doctors who blow up if their authority is questioned or threatened, a physician who dresses down a co-worker in front of others.

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Retaining the Humanity and Artistry of Medicine

By Steven Reames, Executive Director, Ada County Medical Society

I was listening to an interview on NPR this spring with Kevin Roose, a New York Times tech columnist. He was speaking about his new book and how humans need to “futureproof” themselves with respect to artificial intelligence. This quote caught my attention:

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Growing Something New in the Medical Culture

By Steven Reames, Executive Director, Ada County Medical Society

Throughout this past year, as the medical profession has been overwhelmed with responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous voices have called for transforming medical culture. A couple of examples:

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